Weekend Plans and Baseball Tournaments

October 18, 2024
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Episode Notes

Morning, Les. How are we doing?

I'm doing pretty good today. How about you?

Not bad. Not bad. You got plans for the weekend?

Well, I've got plans for I I work on Saturday and on Sunday I've got the whole day off. My older son is a uh I don't know what he's doing. He might be working

and my younger son is gone. So, the afternoon he comes back.

He's gone where? Just gone.

He's going to go to a high school for a sort of a trial to see if he likes that high school or not.

Like an open campus thing.

That's right. That's right. Thanks for the words.

Yeah. Yeah. Right on.

And so he's going to go there, come back out just after lunch.


And I come to Smith every Sunday.

I'm either hanging out with my sons or I um do some work.

What a hardworking dude you are.

It's a labor of love. Yeah.

How about you?

Uh I I don't know. Um I don't know what we're doing this weekend. It's a tricky one.

What do you mean by that?

Uh I've got the days off, Saturday, Sunday off, and my younger son has Saturday, Sunday off, but my older son has a uh single elimination baseball tournament.

Okay, I understand.

So they play today. If they win today, they play tomorrow. If they win in the morning, they play in the afternoon. If they win in the afternoon, they play Sunday,

right? Complex.

Yeah. If they lose today, then we have two days off and we can possibly go to EO.



I've never had you come here.

Yeah. I I've never been. I haven't even been to Nar Prefecture in probably 15 years.

I understand. It's It's funny how life is.

Yeah. Yeah. But um yeah, if he wins today and wins tomorrow morning and then loses in the afternoon, then we have Sunday free.

Okay. Okay.

Maybe go to EMA for the day.

Right. Day wins today and loses tomorrow morning. Maybe go to EO Saturday and stay one night in EA somewhere.

Okay. Now, there is a hotel on the other side of the mountain.


I've never looked. Yeah. Now

I'd have to get on online and search for it. I don't know the name and I forget which station it's at because I go to Osaka twice a year and I've never gotten off at that station.

Twice? Twice a year to Osaka.

Yeah. Really?

How often do you go to Sidai?

Once every two years. I I I'm a homebody.

Yeah. Yeah.


Okay. How often Okay. More general. How often do you leave N Prefecture? How about that?

Maybe twice a year, maybe three times a year. I went to Tokyo on business a few weeks ago.

Yeah, I I stay in Shea a lot, but Kyoto's only 15 minutes away. It's real easy. So, mostly we would go into Kyoto from time to time, but also not that often.


I like that word homebody.

It's cozy. I I'm I'm just really really happy with everything here. I have no reason to leave. Homebody, but you work every Sunday at Smith's.

Smith is my second home.


Yeah. At home, I don't have a sofa. At Smith, I've got a sofa.

Um, we will not tell your students about that.

Actually, they're welcome to use it. If they come early, they can go upstairs and sit on the sofa

and relax. Nice.

And relax.

Um, where is your son's high school? In N or not in N? The one that he wants to go to is in N.

Oh, nice. So, he can also be a homebody.

That's right. That's right.

But in his case, he's young, so he's a homeboy. No, that means something else.

I don't know what homeboy means, actually.

Homebody. Homeboy means like your your buddy in your gang.

Oh, okay. Okay. So, it's a good meaning.

Yeah, I guess so. If you're into gangs, I don't know.

All right. Well,


if you're in the gang, I'm not We're in the Smith's gang. You're my home.


well, look, if uh my son wins the whole tournament, I won't see you, but if they lose, I might see you.

Send me an email.

We'll do.

Okay. Hope I hope uh I hope your son wins, and I hope he doesn't win.

It's a It's a positive double-edged sword. I don't know what to call that. All right,

that's right. Yeah. Okay, take care.

I'll see you or I won't.
