
November 1, 2024
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Episode Notes

Hey, good morning there.

You look happy today.

I am

I'm I'm pretty good. What's up?

Not much. Uh just just doing my thing. Um are those uh bone conducting earphones?

Yes, I love them.

Have you ever used them? Okay. U me first. I've had them for about honestly I can't remember. Maybe two years now. answer your question. Uh, I tried them in a store a few months back and I thought they were quite interesting and I was I was curious about them.

Okay, this perfect chance. Tell me. Tell me.

Okay. Um, cut to the chase. Sound quality is lower.


But you sound going in my ears at the same time. So, I'm open to my environment,


And I'm not highfidelity sound. I like these.

Yeah, I like hi-fi at home and I I would love to have enough money to be a hi-fi nut. But


my thought was about jogging and walking in the streets.


Because they're not in your ear.

That's right. That's right. When when you're out

when you're out in the environment in the world, you could put them on the train.


It doesn't it doesn't shut out the world.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah


I really like that.

And you said the quality is not as good, but they sound fine. You can hear the music. You can hear whatever you're listening to.

Yeah, they sound great. Now, I I'm going to be honest with you on another one. When I do my uh video editing or audio editing, I don't like having um Wi-Fi.


There's a lag. There's a time lag. So, I'm watching the screen, mouse moves, sound comes later.

Right. Right. Right.

Okay. So, And I want a higher fidelity sound to check that my audio files are good. So I'd like to get earphones. That's my next

So you recommend them for listening to music but not for watching TV or movies cuz there can be a lag.

Actually, you're right. I I would that would be a bit disturbing. When I watch YouTube, I don't use these.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


But for listening to music and those are wireless and you have to charge them.

That's right. That's They're Bluetooth.

They're Bluetooth.

Were they expensive? Because in the store there was like a range like 3,000 yen up to 50,000 yen. There was a huge range and I wondered how much.



Um I Well, okay. To be honest, you and I met at one of the Smith meetings, but before I met you, uh or like it was two years ago, I met Mark at the meeting.


And he had a pair he had just bought. them that day.


And I was already in the market for them. I knew I wanted some wireless earphones and I saw his and that night I decided to get them and I I put down 10,000.

That was your your budget?

Yeah, that was my budget and I used it up and um 10,000 is a lot of money for me.


Okay. I I I don't think lightly about that. I had been planning for about two or three years to buy these things. And I'm really happy with them so far.

Yeah. So 10,000 in range, you're happy. They work well

They work well. Like I say, sound quality is just barely perceptibly lower.

Yeah. See, the other thing for me, most most people these days use in ear, whether it's a um AirPods or like an in-ear little bud or I think they're buds

or even I used to have like over the head but went in your ear like a Sony sports Walkman earphones that went in the ear.

I understand. Yeah.

But over time, I feel like a little pressure or or a little discomfort or pain in my ear. So, I don't really like that type.


And also, maybe I have big ears. I don't know. But I don't like the on on ear type.

Right. Right.

So, typically my favorite is what's called overear.

I call them headphones.

Yeah. But there's two types of headphones.

There's on ear on ear on ear. And over ear and the on ear are smaller.

Okay. Okay.

They kind of press in your ear. But if you want full um what do they call it these days? Uh noise reduction. Not noise reduction. Um ah to block out um what's the word there? Earphones that completely block out all outside noise.

Good. I don't know the word right now.

There's there's there's a really popular word these days for those that ah I can't think of it. Anyway, um I have these this headset.

And that's overear.

These are overear. My ear is completely inside them and I cannot hear you at all now because they're


not plugged in. But yeah.

Yeah. Um but they completely cover the ear.


And they're nice nice and easy left and right.

Good. Good.


that's good. Yeah.

They're called overear and they completely block out all outside noise. So um

that's what I want.

Better high high quality sound because all other sounds and you but also the thing with overear you don't need to put the volume up as much.


because the casing is blocking out all the noise,


Whereas if you have an in an on ear, you need to crank up the volume because outside noise is interfering with with your sound quality. Anyway,

okay. Okay.

I've always liked an overear, but I think the next thing I'm going to get is a pair of those bone

bone conducting

bone conducting. headphones.

Yeah. Yeah. These are shocks and I'm really happy with them. Yeah.

So, anyway, I'm running out of time here.


I got to get on to my day. Okay. Thanks a lot. Bye. Bye.

See you later.