Hi You’re about to listen to a story for Listening practice. This story is about the Aries star sign. Listen to the story to hear a simple version of the Aries personality traits. . Here are some pre-listening questions.
1.What did Mary feel after watching the movie?
2.What is one of the Aries strong points?
3.What is one of the Aries weak points?
4.Why had she felt different from others?
5.How did she feel after discovering her Aries nature?
Hi and welcome to the English Listening World podcast episode number 400. This podcast is for listening practice. I have 27 words and expressions highlighted in today's story for you to get practice listening to. In particular, the expression ‘so … that’ is repeated. I will put the full list of highlighted words in the description below.
Couldn’t Look Away
Mary was a middle-aged woman who lived a simple, yet fulfilling life. One evening, she decided to watch a movie that was all about astrology. She had never paid much attention to astrology before, but the film was so intriguing that she couldn't look away.
After the movie ended, Mary felt a strange curiosity. She had always known she was an Aries, but she never really knew what that meant. The movie made her want to learn more about her zodiac sign. So, she picked up her phone and began to read about Aries personality traits.
Strong Points
As she read, Mary was surprised. Aries were described as adventurous, energetic, and confident. They loved to take the lead and often had a fiery spirit. Mary found herself nodding along. She had always been the one to plan family trips, take on new projects at work, and speak her mind.
"Wow," she thought, "This sounds just like me."
Weak Points
Mary continued reading. Aries were also known to be impatient and sometimes a bit impulsive. They liked things to happen quickly and could get frustrated when they didn't. Mary laughed out loud. She remembered all the times she had tapped her foot while waiting in line or felt annoyed when her husband took too long to decide on a restaurant.
"This is so surprising," Mary said to herself. "I can't believe how much this fits me."
She kept reading and found that Aries were passionate and enthusiastic about life. They threw themselves into everything they did, often inspiring others with their energy. Mary thought about how she had always been the cheerleader for her friends and family, encouraging them to pursue their dreams.
It Made Sense
"So that's why I'm always so energetic," Mary mused. "It's just who I am."
As Mary read on, she felt a wave of understanding wash over her. It was so refreshing to see herself described so clearly. She had always felt a bit different, a bit more driven than others. Now she understood why. It was her Aries nature.
The more she learned, the more everything made sense. She felt so fulfilled knowing that her traits were not random. They were part of what made her unique. Mary felt a new sense of pride in her Aries identity.
Big Embrace
From that day on, Mary embraced her Aries traits. She stopped feeling bad about being impatient and started to see it as part of her drive. She took on new challenges with even more enthusiasm, knowing it was her Aries spirit shining through.
Mary's life didn't change overnight, but her understanding of herself did. It was so fulfilling to finally know why she was the way she was. She felt more confident and at peace with herself. Discovering the personality traits of Aries had been an unexpected journey, but it was one that made Mary feel truly alive.
And so, Mary continued to live her life with the same fiery passion, but now with a deeper understanding and appreciation for who she was. She was an Aries, through and through, and she loved it.
1.What did Mary feel after watching the movie?
After watching the movie, she felt a strange curiosity.
2.What is one of the Aries strong points?
Aries is adventurous, energetic and confident.
3.What is one of the Aries weak points?
Aries is impatient and a bit impulsive.
4.Why had she felt different from others?
She had always felt different and more driven because she was Aries.
5.How did she feel after discovering her Aries nature?
Discovering her Aries nature made her feel truly alive.