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10-09-24 00 / episode: 403


Hi You’re about to listen to a story for Listening practice. This story is about Leo who discovers more about his astrology sign which is cancer. Here are some pre-listening questions.


When Leo became more interested in astrology where did he go? 2. After Cancer what star sign did Leo study next?
3. What was his friend's response to learning about astrology?
4. More than horoscopes, what did Leo realise astrology was good for?
5. What did astrology do for his family?

Hi and welcome to the English Listening World podcast episode number 403. This podcast is for listening practice. I have 44 words and expressions highlighted in today's story for you to get practice listening to. In particular, the word ‘just’ is repeated. I will put the full list of highlighted words in the description below.

Title: The Stars Align for Leo


Leo was a curious young man. One sunny afternoon, he was browsing online when he stumbled upon an astrology forecast. Leo had always known he was a Cancer, but he had never really paid attention to what that meant. Today, though, he was just a bit bored and decided to read more about his star sign.

The forecast talked about emotions, family, and nurturing qualities. It seemed to match him quite well. Intrigued, Leo wanted to learn more. He wondered if understanding astrology could help him understand himself better. So, he headed to the local library, where he found a few books on astrology.

Leo took the books home and started reading. He learned about the different star signs, the planets, and how they all influenced people's personalities. He was especially interested in Cancer, his own sign. Cancer was known for being caring, emotional, and loyal. As he read, he realised that these traits described him perfectly.

Didn’t Stop

But Leo's curiosity didn't stop there. He wanted to know about other star signs too. He decided to start with Gemini. Geminis were said to be adaptable, outgoing, and curious. Leo thought about his friend, Sam, who was a Gemini. Sam was always the life of the party, constantly moving from one thing to another with endless energy.

Friendly Invitation

One evening, Leo invited Sam over. They talked about astrology, and Leo shared what he had learned. Sam laughed and said, "Leo, that sounds just like me! I'm always curious about new things and can never stay still." They both chuckled, realizing how accurate the descriptions were.

More than Horoscopes

Leo continued his study, learning about each star sign. He discovered that astrology was more than just daily horoscopes. It was a way to understand people's strengths, weaknesses, and what made them unique. As he read, he often thought about his own traits as a Cancer. He was indeed nurturing and loyal, always there for his friends and family.

The more Leo learned, the more he saw how astrology could be a tool for empathy. It helped him understand why his friends acted the way they did and how he could better relate to them. He only wanted to know more, and his quest for knowledge seemed never-ending.

His Family

One day, Leo decided to share his newfound passion with his family. They sat in the living room, and he explained what he had learned. His mom, a Virgo, nodded thoughtfully. His dad, a Taurus, listened patiently. His younger sister, a Libra, was fascinated. They all enjoyed learning about themselves and each other.

Leo realised that astrology had brought his family closer. They understood each other better and appreciated their differences. It was just like the stars had aligned for them. Leo felt proud of his journey. He had started with a simple curiosity about his own sign, and it had turned into a deeper understanding of himself and those around him.

As Leo continued his studies, he knew he had found a lifelong interest. Astrology had opened up a new world for him, one where he could explore and learn endlessly. And he knew, just like the stars in the sky, there was always something new to discover.


When Leo became more interested in astrology where did he go? He went to the local library to find books on astrology. 2. After Cancer what star sign did Leo study next?
Leo decided to study Gemini after studying Cancer.
3. What was his friend's response to learning about astrology? His friend’s response was to laugh because he was surprised at how accurate it was.
4. More than horoscopes, what did Leo realise astrology was good for?
Leo thought astrology was good for understanding ourselves better. 5. What did astrology do for his family? Leo felt astrology brought his family closer together.