Team Sports
21-01-23 00 / episode: 4
My dad loved sports.
He did all the team sports.
I'll never forget, I think I was about four years old
and he dressed me up in all the hockey gear
and he got me on a team, on the ice, to play hockey.
I was excited because I knew my dad liked it and I wanted to experience this great thing.
I'll never forget it.
I had tunnel vision but the memory is clear even today.
I was skating down the ice with all the with all this heavey hockey gear on.
I had the puck
I was pushing the puck with my hockey stick
then suddenly out of the blue somebody came and took the puck away.
At that instant everything changed.
I couldn't understand this sport.
I hadn't predicted it and I didn't understand why somebody would take the puck away from me.
It seemed like the rudest thing he could do.
At that point I was completely turned off of that sport in particular and team sports.
Perhaps some part of me deep down realized that I just wasn't connecting with the team.
Team sports takes a team mentality and I'm not sure I have it.
As I grew older, another thing came into focus: pressure.
I really don't want to make a mistake for the team.
The pressure was crushing for me.
So after that realization, I avoided team sports as much as possible but I really
enjoy individual sports, even today.