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20-08-23 00 / episode: 216




What a lovely sport.

Well, sort of when I was young, my mother got me into tennis lessons.

I willingly went along with the tennis lessons, although I wasn't thrilled about it and I played tennis a little bit.

But to be honest, I just didn't care enough about it all the way through elementary school balls.

Sort of, um, bewildered me.

I just could not understand why all these Children like chasing balls, catching balls and, and throwing balls.

It seemed pointless to me and running after a ball with a stick and hitting it didn't seem much better.

Needless to say I didn't care enough about the sport to get good.

If you get good at the sport, then you can enjoy it.

I didn't get good enough at it because I didn't care about it in the first place.

So I never got to the point where I enjoyed tennis.

Having said that thousands and thousands of people play tennis and have a great time.

They love playing tennis and I think that's wonderful.

Go out, play tennis, keep healthy and keep fit.

Tennis is good for endurance.

It's good for hand, eye coordination.

It's good for anticipation.

I think that you can have a great time playing tennis.

And if you play doubles, now you're working on a team, tennis teams are amazing for building up a good relationship.

If you want to have a good relationship with a person, build up your teamwork with that person, don't just play on the team that might make the relationship worse, play on the team with the target of trying to be a better team mate and trying to work together and then you'll have a wonderful, uh, relationship with that person and tennis can do that for you.

Tennis is international.

It's one of those sports where you don't need to know a lot of language to play it together.

Unfortunately, you do need good weather in a court.

There's not many indoor courts and they're expensive and outdoor courts also get lined up because everybody wants to use them.

If you like tennis, go out, play tennis and have fun."