
Word Order Practice

Listen to each sentence and arrange the words in the correct order. Click on words to move them to your answer area.

Green checkmark (✓) means your current word order is correct so far. Red X (✗) means there's an error in the order.

Why Word Order Matters in English

Word order is crucial in English because it affects meaning. Unlike some languages that use case endings or particles to show word relationships, English relies heavily on word order to convey meaning.

This exercise helps you:

  • Internalize English sentence patterns
  • Recognize how grammar patterns fit into sentences
  • Develop a natural feel for correct English structure
  • Improve both listening and grammar simultaneously
for dream has long a Scot had time a
Scot has had a dream for a long time
he people own that working him have own and for dreamed of He's his business a full can staff
He's dreamed that he can own his own business and have a full staff of people working for him
university a good Scot has company get with job His a however finish father large dreamed that secure would and
His father however has dreamed that Scot would finish university and get a good secure job with a large company
discount a is that large automobile He's price company Scot and at an could dreamed company the also get cars
He's also dreamed that the large company is an automobile company and Scot could get cars at a discount price
the to might dreams in Since it future the lead conflict problems
Since the dreams conflict it might lead to problems in the future

Tips for Effective Practice

  1. Always listen to the audio first before attempting to order the words
  2. Pay attention to common patterns like subject-verb-object
  3. Notice how grammar patterns are positioned in sentences
  4. If you make a mistake, use it as a learning opportunity - try to understand why the correct order is different
  5. After completing each sentence, listen to the audio again while reading your correctly ordered sentence