Late Homework

Idioms Practice

What You'll Learn

This practice helps you recognize common idiomatic expressions used by native English speakers. You'll better understand figurative language.

  • Identifying idioms and their meanings
  • Understanding expressions that aren't literal
  • Recognizing cultural references in speech

Key Vocabulary

This story includes important vocabulary and expressions related to idiomatic expressions.

Practice listening for context clues to understand new words and expressions. For best results, listen multiple times to catch details you might miss on first hearing.

Practice Method

For the most effective practice:

  1. First Listen: Play the audio without pausing to get a general understanding
  2. Second Listen: Focus on the specific idioms patterns
  3. Sentence Practice: Use the Sentence by Sentence mode for targeted practice
  4. Shadow Reading: Try to speak along with the audio using the Script
  5. Word Order: Test your understanding with the Word Order exercise

This intensive listening approach, known as the "Brute Force Technique," has been proven effective for thousands of English learners.

This page contains the audio practice. Use the player below to practice shadowing or listen-and-repeat exercises.

For the best learning experience, practice each sentence multiple times using the loop feature.
